Silhouette InstaLift – Non-Surgical Facelift
The Silhouette Instalift is a non-surgical, in-office procedure using threads made of absorbable (dissolving) suture material to uniquely lift sagging skin of the face, jawline, neck, eyebrows and cheeks. The result is a more youthful appearance that does not require surgery or incisions. The Instalift threads have absorbable cones that are shaped to lift sagging skin and hold it in a new more youthful position. The cones and threads stimulate the surrounding tissues to produce more collagen and replace collagen which is lost during the aging process.

About InstaLift in Ann Arbor
When will I see results following the Instalift procedure?
Visible lifting is usually seen immediately following placement of Instalift sutures, Results improve for approximately three to six months following treatment.
Do the results of Instalift look natural?
Yes. This procedure allows Dr. Burke to achieve harmony and balance in the face where fillers (Juviderm, Bellafill, Sculptra, RHA, Prolenium) and neuromodulators (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, Daxxify)cannot) by lifting and “re-draping” the cheeks
jowls,upper neck and lateral eyebrow regions non-surgically. The results help to achieve and recreate the youthful curves to the face, particularly along the cheeks and jawline.
How long do Instalift results last?
The duration of skin tightening results following the InstaLift non-surgical facelift vary by patient, and commonly last 1 ½ to two years.
Is it possible to include other enhancement procedures at the same session as an Instalift procedure?
Yes, Silhouette Instalift may be used in conjunction with other procedures for a more comprehensive approach to facial rejuvenation at the same session. Dr. Burke may advise separating treatments or completing them the same day depending on safety and treatment goals.. If facial volume is being addressed, Instalift may be combined
with facial balancing with dermal fillers (Juviderm, Bellafill, Sculptra, RHA, and Prolenium) and Neuromodulators (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, and Daxxify may also be added as needed.
Is InstaLift a substitute for a facelift or necklift?
More conservative, less dramatic results are achieved with Silhouette InstaLift than a traditional facelift or necklift. However, for those patients that do not want a surgical intervention, Instalift may be part of a treatment plan to achieve proper restoration of mild to moderate facial laxity (skin sagging), facial proportions and balance.
Who is a good candidate for Instalift?
The most ideal candidates for the Silhouette InstaLift procedure have good skin elasticity and mild to moderate skin laxity, particularly of the jowls, jawline, and cheeks. Extremely thin patients with decreased skin thickness may not be great candidates, as the sutures reside in the fat layer and safe placement in this case may be more
Actual Patients of Dr. Burke
Non-Surgical Face Lift
- InstaLift takes about an hour or less to complete
- Discomfort is minimal
- Usually little to no downtime

InstaLift Eyebrow Lift
- Lift sagging skin
- Adjust facial proportions and balance
- May be combined
- with facial balancing with Juviderm, Bellafill, Sculptra, RHA, amd Prolenium
How much downtime is there following the InstaLift procedure?
In Dr. Burke’s experience, there is minimal to no downtime associated with the Instalift. While individual results may vary, most patients experience minimal to mild soreness for a day or two. Most patients can resume daily social activities within 24-48 hours,
What are the possible side effects of Instalift?
There are few Side effects following Instalift and they are usually mild in nature. There may be mild soreness in the areas of placement for a few days following InstaLlft. Mild swelling and bruising is possible in the area of treatment – vitamins, supplements, and medications that thin the blood should be avoided for 7-10 days prior to Instalift to minimize these complications. A very mild puckering may be present at the site of suture placement but resolves over several days. Individuals with an allergy to PLLA or PGA should avoid Instalift placement or an inflammatory reaction may occur.
What is the InstaLift procedure like? How long does InstaLift take?
Instalift takes about an hour or less to complete. Discomfort is minimal and there is usually little to no downtime. Dr. Burke creates a treatment outline with markings on the face where the Instalift sutures will be placed. After marking is complete, local numbing is administered where the suture will enter and exit the skin. After numbing is complete, Dr. Burke threads the Instalift sutures under the skin surface. As these are gently massaged to place, the skin begins to tighten to its new position.